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Mee Sung SHIM
Patent Attorney, Korea
Member of the New York Bar, US

Intern, Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, US (2001)
Kim & Chang (1991-2020)
Law Offices GURU (2021- present)
Education and License
Franklin Pierce Law Center (J.D./M.I.P., 2002)
Graduate School of Natural Science, Seoul National University (M.S., Organic Chemistry, 1991)
College of Natural Science, Seoul National University (B.S., Chemistry, 1989)
Admitted to bar, New York, 2002
Admitted to patent bar, Korea, 1991
Publication and Activities
"Legal developments regarding patent term extensions" (Co-author, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2018)
"Patent approval linkage system – one year later" (Co-author, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2016)
"Patent approval linkage system – initial statistics" (Co-author, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2016)
"Is dosage regimen patentable? Supreme Court says yes" (Co-author, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2015)
"Patent-Approval Linkage System" Presenter, 2013 Korea-US IP Judicial Conference (Korea, October 2013)
"Strict Patentability Standards Applied Against Selection Inventions" 24 WIPR 14, (Feb. 2010)
"Foreign Searching KIPO as ISA" Panelist, AIPLA Mid-Winter Meeting (New Orleans, LA, 2007)
"How to Get Value Out of Your Invention" Panelist, The 13th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists (Seoul, Korea, 2005)
IAM Patent 1000 - The World's Leading Patent Professionals (IAM, 2020)
Managing Intellectual Property: Named as "IP Star" (2014)
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